Jumat, 23 April 2010

TOGEAN ISLANDS - Celebes (Sulawesi) - Indonesia

Togean Islands National Park

Togean Islands National Park is an area of 90 sq km Togean Islands located in the Gulf of Tomini, Central Sulawesi. The administration of this region are in Tojo Una-Una.

The islands are rich in coral reefs and various marine biota rare and protected. Tourist attractions that can be done in the Islands Togean among other things: diving and snorkelling on the island Kadidiri, fishing, roam the forests in the Malenge Island, and visit the mountain Colo. Una-una Island. Tourists can also visit the Bajo settlement at Kabalutan.

The island was formed by volcanic activity, covered by lush vegetation and lush, surrounded by coral reef formations. Coral reefs and beaches provide a place for some marine animals to live and breed, such as green turtles, and other animals.

Kadidiri Island is the center of Togean Islands.

Kadidiri island not far from Wakai, a city district which centers of these islands. Kadidiri Island is the most popular of the islands in Togean. Togean ethnic majority in the islands comes from Gorontalo, while there are genuine ethnic living with a house on the sea, known as Bajau tribe.

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