Senin, 19 April 2010

WAKATOBI ; The Amazing Islands

Wakatobi, it was there, like a heavenly natural charm.
Wakatobi is a name derived from the abbreviation is the biggest island-scented fragrance, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko located in south-eastern island of Sulawesi. Formerly, people call the Iron Tailor Islands. An area of 1.39 million hectares that would serve marine national park
in 1996.
Wakatobi Marine National Park (TNKW) is indeed the second largest marine park after the National Parks of Paradise Bay in Papua. In the islands, many people admire the charm of Coral Kaledupa which is the widest and longest reef in Indonesia.
Wakatobi Marine National Parkis located in the Coral Triangle of the World.
Wakatobi has 25 clusters of coral reefs. Coral reefs are scattered among the existing 37 islands. In the islands, six new islands are inhabited. While only 11 islands have names. The rest, 31 islands were not named and has not been managed. The tourists who come, mostly engaged in activities diving, snorkeling, swimming, camping and cultural tourism.
Wakatobi natural beauty is derived from its rich natural resources.
Ecological studies conducted by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in 2003 found 396 species of stony corals compiler coral reefs. In the region, as many as 590 species of fish found to breed.

Apart from Wakatobi Resort, there are some companies that take care of tourist visits to Wakatobi and other tourist areas in Buton, among other Wallacea Development Agency (Jakarta) and Wolio Travel (Baubau). Usually, tourists can also use a big boat from Kendari. Kendari-Wakatobi distance can be within 16 hours. Tourists who visit TNKW can stay in 63 bungalows, owned by local governments on the island of Hoga. While PT Wakatobi Dive Resort managing Onemobaa Island, a small island of white sandy exclusively. But there tour packages are relatively expensive. While on the island of Hoga, north of the island Kaledupa, rate stayed at a bungalow was USD 50,000, per night.

Various species of fish can definitely be found easily. Starting from the snapper, grouper, yellow tail, tuna, napoleon, until the shark. If lucky, visitors can also watch the dolphins swim accompaniment from the ship. Three months, several fish collecting vessels anchored in the waters Tomia. The boats were buying fish from local fishermen. Bajo fishermen can catch fish is also known only with a spear. On the island Kaledupa and Binongko, tourists can buy handicrafts, woven cloth locals. Ikat cloth is sold at Rp 100,000-Rp 200,000.

In Kaledupa, is known handicraft Wuray sarongs and folding mats.
If stopped by the Island Binongko, do not hesitate to visit the location of the iron craftsman.
From the makers of this, Wakatobi archipelago known as the blacksmith.

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